Introducing Fujichrome PROVIA 400X Professional

Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. is proud to announce the introduction of Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional film. In addition to achieving one of the highest levels of ultra-fine grain with an RMS granularity of 11* for 400-speed color reversal film, the new ISO 400-speed color reversal film delivers improved color saturation comparable to current ISO 100 films. The film can therefore be used in a wide-range of shooting situations, from journalism, sports photography and fashion portraits that require high sensitivity and speeds, to nature photography and snap photography.

Realizing high color saturation and image quality despite high sensitivity, Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional dramatically expands the range of settings for hand-held shooting, broadens photographic expression and increases the joy of using color reversal film in photography. Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional will be showcased at the Fujifilm Photokina 2006 booth.

Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional Features:

1. Brilliant color reproduction-Incorporation of next-generation color couplers and the introduction of MCCL (Multi-Color Correction Layer) Technology enable the new Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional to deliver the same levels of color saturation as ISO 100 class films.

2. Ultra-fine grain-Newly developed Epitaxial Sigma Crystal Technology allows Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional to provide one of the highest levels of ultra-fine grain for a 400 speed color reversal film, an RMS granularity of 11*.

* RMS (Root mean square) granularity: Widely used standard for measuring the degree of grain in photographic films and prints. The lower the RMS number, the smaller the apparent grain.

3. Superb push/pull processing suitability-Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional exhibits minimal variation in color and gradation during push/pull processing over a range of -1/2 (EI 280) to +2 stops (EI 1600), demonstrating its edge in shooting under low-light conditions and in situations requiring high-sensitivity.

4. Improved color image stability-Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional incorporates next-generation color couplers for significantly improved long-term color image stability. Change in gradation balance is kept to a minimum, maintaining excellent image quality over time.

Technologies Incorporated in Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional:

ESC (Epitaxial Sigma Crystal) Technology

By developing a new technology in which a molecule with a different composition is bonded at the top of the Sigma Grain, we have succeeded in efficiently using electrons generated by grain exposure for latent image formation. This supports high sensitivity even when the degree of emulsion grains is at its minimum, realizing an exceptional ultra-fine grain (RMS: 11) for an ISO 400 class reversal film that narrows the gap with ISO 100 class film.

PSHC (Pure, Stable and High-performance Dye-forming Coupler) Technology

– Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional incorporates the same high-color formation yellow, magenta and cyan couplers used in ASTIA 100F and Velvia 100F to realize extremely pure color formation capability.

– These next-generation couplers provide astonishingly high image performance (coloring agent durability), yielding an amazing preservation performance of approximately 100 years* in dark, indoor storage at 25°C/70% humidity.

MCCL (Multi-Color Correction Layer) Technology

Fujifilm’s proprietary multi-color correction layers incorporated in Fujichrome Provia 400X Professional enable natural skin tones suitable for fashion work or portraiture while delivering highly saturated colors suitable for nature photography.

* By Fujifilm laboratory test