Glenn Omura to present sessions at 2012 DIMA conference

The first session, “Imaging Retail Store Start-up: Creating a Brand” from 9:00 – 10:15 a.m., Jan. 9, features two start-ups: One was a total retail-imaging novice and one was a decades-old retail-imaging veteran. The session features Debara Medina, ClearStory, San Diego, Calif., and Ron Inkley, Imaging Depot, Ogden, Utah. If you are an entrepreneur seriously thinking about starting up a new business, learn the importance of creating your brand and how to do it.

The second session, “Re-inventing the Brand of Successful Retail Imaging Stores,” at 10:45 – 12:00 p.m., features two successful photo retailers who have relaunched their store brands. Whether you are already successful, whether you are a camera store, a framer, a professional photographer, a drug store, a supermarket, or a discount store, you can learn from this case study. The successful multi-store example is Stephen Weiss, of Creve Coeur, St. Louis, Mo., and the single-store example is Michael Woodland, Dan’s Camera, Allentown, Pa.