Nokia 2010 Sustainability Report

Nokia’s sustainability strategy is designed to address areas that are most material and relevant to Nokia’s business and its stakeholders. The report describes seven areas of global challenges where Nokia can play the most significant role as part of a solution. These areas are economic development, employment, climate change and energy use, health, human rights and ethics, education as well as resource use and nature conservation. In the report Nokia outlines its strategy and achievements under each of these impact areas.

"Sustainability is embedded in everything we do at Nokia, from the way we operate to the way we design products to the way we deliver services.  By connecting more than 1.3 billion people around the world using Nokia phones, we also believe leadership calls for responsibility. As a result, sustainability is not a trend for Nokia, but rather it is our way of conducting business, which means encouraging sustainable development, supporting sustainable societies and enabling people to make sustainable choices," Stephen Elop, Nokia’s CEO, states in the report.

The full report is available at