Kodak promotes Nexpress Gold Dry Ink

The five magazines that feature Nexpress Gold Dry Ink on their covers as part of this global project are:

Effekte – a worldwide publication distributed by Merck to its clients in the pigments industry

Print21 – an Australian publication for commercial printers

Digital Printer – a UK magazine for commercial printers

PrintWeek MEA – a UAE magazine for commercial printers

ME Printer – a UAE magazine for commercial printers

“Our cover image was specially selected to highlight the creative possibilities of the gold ink,” noted Patrick Howard of Print21. “The pigments in the Gold Dry Ink produce a sparkle effect that is similar to that achieved with offset metallic inks. The Gold solution follows the pattern already set by Kodak with its dimensional printing effect, utilizing the Fifth Imaging Unit of the press to add decorative or tactile layers to the CMYK inks.”

Ideal for a wide variety of print applications, the new Gold Dry Ink joins other award-winning print capabilities of the Nexpress Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions – such as Dimensional printing, Red Fluorescing ink, inline watermarking, spot glossing, and others – that help printers stand out.

Other new features on the Kodak Nexpress Digital Production Color Press include a Long Sheet option that enables printers to offer larger applications, including point of sale, photo book covers, dust jackets, packaging inserts, and labels; and new Intelligent Calibration System version 3 software that offers continuous improvement in quality and performance with up to 20 percent faster processing time.

“Digital printing is a highly competitive market with intense price pressures and shrinking margins,” said Greg Gresock, Kodak’s Director of EPS Marketing. “Gold Dry Ink is another way to make a printed piece stand out in the mailbox, at events, or on the shelf. And the best part is that it’s just one of several unique capabilities customers can leverage with our Fifth Imaging Unit Solutions. By demonstrating the gold effects on these well-known magazines, we are able to showcase the visual impact.”