First quarter results of CeWe Color

Due to the rapidly dropping sales of color negative films, the number of analog prints declined by 31.0 percent to 380.3 million pictures in the first quarter. The number of digital prints processed increased 39.6 percent to 191.2 million pieces. Approximately one third of all digital print orders arrived in the CeWe Color laboratories via the Internet (66.5 million pieces/plus 48.2 percent), two thirds were ordered through the 60,000 outlets of the company’s retailing partners. Due to the transfer from analog to digital photo processing, CeWe Color recorded higher average revenues per picture. Thus, the decline in turnover was significantly lower than the decline in the number of prints.

For the full year of 2006, the CeWe Color Management continues to expect a result before taxes of Euro 21.0 million.