Tamron relaunches Photo Lens Website

The most popular section of the website after the top-selling product pages is Tamron’s Learning Center. “The Learning Center has so much great information, but some pages were hard to find. We felt customers were missing out on some really important resources that would help them succeed in making the types of pictures they had in mind when they purchased a DSLR camera or new lens,” stated Stacie Errera, Chief Marketing Officer for Tamron USA. “The new design gives the website visitor a full picture right from the top page as to what types of resources Tamron offers photographers of all levels.”

The photo lens section, accessed by clicking photographic lenses at www.tamron.com, or directly at http://www.tamron.com/lenses/default-photo.asp, features an elegant flash sequence of images and roll-out information blocks for top products and promotions. Multiple navigation systems were also added to give users greater access to more information, all from one top-page location.  In particular, the new navigation located directly under the Flash movie uses drop-down menus, allowing our visitors the ability to “drill” deeper into the Tamron website. Something that once took multiple click-throughs can now be accessed in just one click. Best-selling products are highlighted and links to all other lenses are found in multiple areas.

“The Tamron site features interactive tools like the ‘Lens Finder’ that help customers easily discover what focal length lens is best for them, or the ‘Depth of Field’ tool that visually demonstrates the effects of aperture and focal length selection, easily one of the hardest concepts to grasp for novice photographers,” says Errera. “Our commitment to mentor new DSLR users and Tamron lens owners, as well as keep the creative juices flowing for seasoned pros and advanced amateurs, is evident when you surf all of the information on the Tamron site that we’ve now brought to the top for easy access.”

The new site also directs visitors to educational and inspirational blogs as well as popular social media websites like Flickr, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. “The social media sites are crucial for Tamron owners and prospective customers to share their experiences with Tamron products and show off their amazing images,” Errera stated.

Important links like service, contact us and many more can be accessed from the straightforward tab system on top of the main navigation bar, or at the bottom of the page in a supplemental site map listing. “Giving the user several ways to find and access information was a key component of the design. We did not want anyone to have difficulty finding what they are looking for and leave the site frustrated.”