Spector announces declining sales for 2010

According to a press release, the results were particularly affected by falling prices and the weather conditions during the holiday sales period in December, which resulted in a decrease by 9 percent in Belgium and 11 percent in Luxembourg compared with December 2009. This decrease, however, has already been compensated in January 2011, Spector said.

Spector’s Photomedia business, which comprises the company’s imaging services activities, recorded sales of Euro 62.7 million (US-$ 85.5 million) in 2010, a decrease of 16.2 percent compared with 2009. Revenue from ExraFilm’s digital mail-order activities increased 1 percent in 2010, while analog activities dropped 43 percent. In the fourth quarter of 2010, digital mail-order activities showed a growth rate of 7 percent in revenue. Compared with the same period 2009, the number of photobooks increased by 24 percent.

Spector’s 2010 annual results will be announced March 8, 2011.