PMA announces Official Business Session speakers

The keynote address, called Look Different. Run Faster. Win Bigger, is based on Jubenville’s book, and promises to show attendees how to be superstars in the imaging industry. To be better known and better understood, you have to begin with a unique perspective and mindset. To look different, you must understand your unique value and communicate with emotion. To run faster, you must embrace the “Coaching Revolution” and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset.

The interactive session will explain the philosophy found in Zebras & Cheetahs: Look Different and Stay Agile To Survive The Business Jungle. You’ll discover imaging industry examples of organizations that look different and stay agile because they are Zebra Different and Cheetah Fast. You will leave with focus, clarity and direction about how to be a superstar in your life and business.

Jubenville is an accomplished entrepreneur, inventor, author, speaker and professor. He holds an academic appointment at Middle Tennessee State University and is Principal of Red Herring Innovation and Design, an agency specializing in helping people and organizations become better known, better understood, and better understand the unique value they deliver, and is also founder of QRTechnologies, an intellectual property firm that specializes in creating and delivering learning materials that fulfill education and marketing needs resulting in faster adoption and greater retention of knowledge.

McCurry travels the English-speaking world listening to imaging leaders. He consistently brings back to his audiences proven strategies that break new ground and show the path to greater success. Bill was inducted into the PMA Hall of Fame in 2012. He has more than 100 Marketing Idea Exchanges on and helped launch the new PMA Newsline carries his weekly written Marketing Idea Exchange. He has written four books for PMA, had his own business radio talk show, consults and lectures across the globe. Most importantly, he has passion for independent business owners to succeed and flourish. His goal is your success.

The PMA 2015 Conferences are being held at Bally’s, just prior to the Digital Imaging/Photography Conference and Marketplace, presented by PMA, at 2015 International CES in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center.