Pixazza enabling images at 1 billion image views per year rate

Just as page views are commonly used to measure web site traffic, Pixazza tracks image views, which count the number of times a web publisher serves a Pixazza-enabled image. The number of fashion and celebrity web sites featuring Pixazza-enabled images also continues to grow, with Celebuzz, JustJared, JustJaredJr, Imnotobsessed, TheHollywoodGossip, LaineyGossip and SocialLiteLife now providing visitors with information about products that catch their eye. "Google’s AdSense does a remarkable job of helping web publishers by providing ads relevant to the text on their pages. Pixazza’s goal is to provide ads relevant to the images on their pages," says Bob Lisbonne, CEO of Pixazza. "The early momentum for our service demonstrates publishers are embracing this new opportunity to engage their audience and generate incremental revenue."