Judges assessed products on a range of criteria, including innovative design, functionality, environmental impact and the degree to which the solutions adopted in the product are easily translated into a practical application.
Océ international product software manager, ErnstJan de Bruin, said the award was further recognition for the successful product. “We’ve had a number of new installations in Poland. This is in part thanks to the fact that the Océ PRISMAprepare software is so user friendly. By focusing on the user and the end result, rather than on the technology, Océ PRISMAprepare software produces a much more professional and accurate final product. What you see on the screen is what you get. This is just one aspect of how Océ PRISMAprepare software has been designed with the user in mind,” De Bruin explained. “Also, whereas most of our competitors restrict themselves to the major four or five languages, our user interface is in 18 European and Asian languages.”
Océ PRISMAprepare software is the all-in-one document preparation software that speeds up job preparation in a user’s prepress workflow. Based on Adobe PDF technology, this device-independent, open interface software allows users to produce color as well as black and white on Océ and non-Océ cutsheet production printers.