Noritsu releeases new iPhone app

According to Noritsu, Qualipic Camera combines the benefits of the company’s existing iPhone apps AccuSmart Camera and AccuSmart Editor, is quicker, easier to use, and and offers more connectivity. AccuSmart automatically analyzes every scene as the picture is taken and applies the optimal correction algorithms for each scene. With Qualipic Camera, the user can also apply AccuSmart to correct photos she or he has stored in the camera roll. Furthermore, Qualipic makes it very easy to upload images to Twitter and Facebook. If Twitter or Facebook are selected in advance, the picture will immediately be uploaded to the respective account after the shot is taken. Images can also be uploaded from the edit mode.

While the list price of Qualipic Camera is US$2.99/Euro 2.39, the app is initially offered at the special price of US$1.99/Euro1.59 for limited time.