Noritsu announces new company structure

According to a press release, the primary purpose of Noritsu’s transition to a holding company system is to clarify the company’s commitment to the imaging business as most important operation, while maintaining and advancing its quality production capabilities. The responsibility for the company’s other businesses, for example medical, will be segregated from the imaging business “with a view of the entire Noritsu Group’s progress toward our next stage of growth,” the company said.

The new holding structure is subject of approval by an extraordinary shareholder meeting scheduled for January 19, 2011.

With the company’s new vision “face the NEXT”, Noritsu plans to effectively realign its operations in line with the actual market developments. In particular, within the imaging operations, business planning and marketing in North America will be further enhanced so that the North American operations can serve as the information storage and analysis center for the worldwide business and product development of NK Works.