Nikon announces Photo Contest International 2008-2009 winners

For the 32nd staging of the contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 ran with the theme "At the heart of the image," which is also the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company. Attracting more than 51,000 photographs from 153 countries and regions, or 1.1 times the number of entries than the previous contest, the Nikon Photo Contest International 2008-2009 generated interest from the largest number of countries and regions in recent years.

A total of 54 prize winners were selected from among the large number of entries, with Maung Maung Gyi from Myanmar selected as the winner of the Grand Prize for his work entitled "Cave Of Hope."

In commenting on the contest, the 10 international photography professionals who formed the international judging panel stated that there were a large number of unique entries with strong, individual views, reflecting the entrants’ passion for photography. The judges learned new ways to view photography by experiencing firsthand how other judges in the panels interpreted the works.

The contest aims to attract an even greater number of participants, the end goal being to further develop a venue that allows people from around the world to share their vision, and to thereby actively contribute to the world’s photographic culture.

The winners along with their works can be seen on the Nikon Photo Contest International website (