New PX 600 film for Polaroid 600 cameras

While the previously released PX 100 Silver Shade may be considered to be more of an artistic material for the professional user, the new PX 600 Silver Shade film prooves to be a much more convenient product for everyday use. "The new masterpiece of the Impossible labs in Enschede is a highly astonishing material that will zoom all the lovers of Polaroid cameras back into the good old days when every single shot was a wonderful exciting instant adventure", Kaps describes the potential of the new monochrome material.

The PX 600 Silver Shade film will be available on as well as at selected retail partners. Launch events will be held on April 22 at Chandal in Barcelona, on April 24 at The Photographers’ Gallery in London and on April 30 in the SofortBildShop Berlin. April 30 will also mark the opening day of The Impossible Project’s Space in New York City.

The first color film material with 100 ASA will presumably be released in June 2010.