Mini Cities announces Print and Go Coupons

Print and Go Coupons technology makes it is easier than ever to use online local coupons for both consumers and business owners. Laura and Tom Myers, local business owners and New Tampa residents, love the Print and Go Coupons. Laura said, “Who wants tons of paper laying around – when all you have to do is go to your local Mini Cities site for printable coupons – find what you need – then print it! I love the new Print and Go Coupons. I have been using the for years – now it is even better.”

“Business and residents are really taking advantage of the free coupons. It’s a win-win!” said Ana Abraham. Mini Cities tracks coupon views and coupon prints. “The Mini Cities engine already offers great metrics for business customers. Any business that has listing or coupon on our site – even a free one – can see important tracking information right on the Business Control Panel. We really believe in trackable advertising!”

What is next for Mini Cities? “Free coupons are just the beginning of a big roll out plan! Mini Cities is really growing. We will be rolling out more key cities this year as well as some very exciting functionality added to the Mini Cities engine,” said Abraham.

Mini Cities currently has 47 locations for the suburbs of Tampa and Atlanta. The Mini Cities engine is a proprietary engine offering directories, events, coupons, ratings, texting, as well as a robust backend content management and billing system.