Mamiya releases RZ22 medium format camera

The new RZ22 Digital Camera couples the latest technological improvements of the 22 megapixel, large sensor Mamiya DM digital back with the latest Mamiya RZ67 Pro-IID camera, delivering the same ease-of-use as Mamiya’s popular RZ33 system, all for $11,499.

Photographers were thrilled by our introduction of the RZ33 system, and many have indicated that they would like the option of an equally easy to use digital RZ system at a lower price point. The new RZ22 digital camera delivers just that: a powerful large-sensor digital camera delivering superior quality image files with the legendary flexibility of the Mamiya RZ camera system," said Mamiya Product Marketing Manager Mike Edwards. "Photographers can even utilize their existing Mamiya RZ system lenses, which are known as some of the sharpest, highest resolution lenses available."