Made in America’ Message Resonating for Consumers of IPG Tapes and Films

"Today, American consumers are highly sensitive to buying American-made products," said Gregory Yull, President and CEO of IPG. "Our focus group studies of consumers find that they link ‘buying American’ to a desire for stability and a wish for Americans to get back to work. As a result, they are willing to search out U.S. – made merchandise, recognizing these products as being higher quality than imported goods."

IPG, with executive headquarters in Bradenton, FL, has seven manufacturing facilities across the country from Utah and Colorado in the West to Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin in the Midwest, to farther East in Richmond, Kentucky. The plants produce a wide range of products, including painter’s masking tape, duct tape, packaging tape, foil tapes, and a host of specialty tapes like double-coated and specialty filament tapes. The products meet the government’s "Made in America" standard since they are manufactured domestically.

"One of the reasons that ‘Made in America’ matters is that manufacturing here contributes to the well being of our country. Consumers understand that by buying American-made products, they are giving jobs not only to workers on the plant floor, but also to those in research and development, product and process engineering and design, operations and maintenance, transportation, testing, and to the thousands of vendors we work with," Yull explained. "The by-product of buying American to our fellow Americans cannot be overestimated."

IPG has been promoting the Made-in-America status of its products at trade shows, in public relations efforts, advertising, and through its sales promotions efforts. The company is convinced that its message will resonate with American consumers in a big way.