Konica Minolta enhances Free Mobile Application with "Schedule Me"

Schedule Me allows technicians to request a support call from SSD to coincide with their arrival at the customer’s location. This can be accomplished from their handheld device where they can choose available timeslots to ensure optimized product service and support from SSD where and when they need it.

This new SSD Mobile Access application is free to all registered Konica Minolta Business Partners and dealer service technicians and enables scheduled communication with SSD for diagnostic and resolution support. With the new Schedule Me capability, field technicians can easily submit a call request with the product type and a brief problem description, and then choose a specific time to receive a call from SSD, all from a mobile device. Enhanced with Schedule Me, the SSD Mobile application makes it even easier for technicians to interact with Konica Minolta’s product support and service resources while in the field. This new feature is available on mobile devices including Android, Blackberry, iPad, iPhone, Motorola Symbol MC70 handheld computers, Windows Mobile and Windows-based PC’s or laptops.