Imaging Expo/Interphoto Shanghai 2007

According to the organizers, Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne, Germany, and Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd., the new date is now perfectly timed for exhibitors to market their products right before the Peek holiday saison in China – the golden week of October. The gentle fall weather will make the attendance more comfortable and convenient than the hot and humid environment in July, when the show was held for the last three years.

Imaging Expo/Interphoto Shanghai 2007 will feature an enhanced exhibit profile covering the complete spectrum of the imaging industry. Product categories will include image input, image storage and processing, image transfer, image output and accessories.

The modern conference facilities at the SECEC will provide the organizers with an opportunity to further improve the comprehensive supporting program, which has been a unique feature of the event for some years. Further details are available on