Ilford Photo involvement in development of new Polaroid style instant film

The manufacturer – whose brands include the Ilford analogue range, Harman Photo inkjet papers and Kentmere Photographic – is supporting ‘The Impossible Project’ which is being spearheaded by a Dutch business known as Impossible b.v.

Formed by a group of businessmen and a number of ex-Polaroid employees, Impossible b.v has signed a 10-year lease on part of Polaroid’s former factory in Enschede, Holland and acquired some of Polaroid’s original production machinery for producing 600, SX70 and Image films.

As the business aims not to rebuild Polaroid integral film but to develop a new product with new and improved characteristics, it has turned to Harman and its 130 years of experience in the production of analogue films for product development guidance and additional insight on manufacturing methods.

Harmans’s product development team has confirmed the manufacturer is able to create the desired instant film but negotiations continue as to the extent of future involvement.