HP commends Enactment of Conflict Minerals Legislation

“HP applauds Congress and President Obama for including conflict minerals language in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. We believe this provision will help provide much-needed transparency in companies’ supply chains, reduce the purchase and use of conflict minerals known to fund the ongoing armed conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and thus help reduce some of the factors that have contributed to the civil war there.

“HP’s leadership team shares Congress’ deep concern about this issue and its commitment to action. We also share the desire expressed by many consumers and advocacy organizations to prevent companies from acquiring minerals that have been unlawfully sourced or traded. This law will help to ensure transparency in the origins of minerals used by smelters. We believe it will also apply market pressure to stop the mineral trade associated with the conflict while encouraging lawful trade in the region.

“HP expects its suppliers to conduct their worldwide operations in a manner that does not result in labor or human rights violations, such as the exploitation of women and children and the direct financing of armed conflict. We will continue to build on our long history of social and environmental responsibility, and will share our global supply chain best practices in order to promote change across all industries where conflict minerals are used. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the State Department, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other relevant international stakeholders as the law is implemented.”