Hosting company chooses HP to deliver private clouds to customers

Hosting companies such as Server Cloud Canada face major challenges to support their customers’ thriving businesses. Rising infrastructure costs, demanding application needs and overall capacity constraints weigh heavily on these companies. To overcome obstacles while exceeding client expectations, Server Cloud Canada needed a cost-effective, scalable and reliable infrastructure that could bring new customers online in minutes versus days.

After exploring options from Dell, Cisco and IBM, Server Cloud Canada chose HP CloudSystem Matrix as the foundation to deliver private clouds to customers. HP CloudSystem Matrix enables Server Cloud Canada to simplify the creation of a private cloud with one-touch, self-service provisioning of infrastructure.

With the ability to deliver resources faster, Server Cloud Canada can better respond to customers’ fluctuating business demands and critical IT requirements.

Additionally, Server Cloud Canada reduced its power costs by almost 60 percent with HP CloudSystem Matrix, eliminating the need for an additional power source that the company estimated would have cost approximately $200,000 to install.