Heinz Neumüller Foundation awards eight grants for doctorates

The Board of Management and the Board of Trustees of the Heinz Neumüller Foundation presented the awards at a ceremony held at the headquarters of photofinishing company CeWe Color. Scholarship certificates went to Bastian Epp, Christine Hein, Tobias Menz, Oliver Meyer, Ingo Schillgalies, Almuth Schwäblein, Stefan Schwarzer and Daniel Vinke. The post-graduate students will all be receiving financial support to the amount of 400 euros a month for twelve months.

“In line with the purpose of the Foundation, all the post-graduate students have shown skills, initiative and a sense of responsibility during their studies,” emphasised the Chairman of the Heinz Neumüller Foundation, Theo Hünnkens. The Board of Trustees and the Board of Management of the Heinz Neumüller Foundation are once again delighted to be able to give financial support to the young scientists. While up to six scholarships are general awarded every year, in 2009 eight post-graduate students are to be supported, thanks to the CeWe Color Group, which financed two additional grants given the large number of first-class applications

Over the past fourteen years, the Heinz Neumüller Foundation has made more than 380,000 euros available for promoting more than 82 students working on their doctorates. The Foundation considers the financial support to be an “investment” in future managers, entrepreneurs and service providers in the economy.