Fujio Mitarai makes annual Barron’s list of the world’s 30 best chief executives

Barron’s compiled its annual roster of the top corporate leaders from around the world in 2011 by looking in particular at how individuals have tailored plans to approach Asia and other developing markets. The selection of finalists was based on information collected from interviews with analysts, investors and executives.

Mitarai leads the efforts to execute Phase IV of Canon’s Excellent Global Corporation Plan which outlines a strategic approach for Canon to become a top 100 global company. Canon is currently in the first year of Phase IV, the five-year plan aims to further promote the company’s two long-term strategies of globalisation and diversification.

2011 marks the 50th anniversary for Mitarai as a Canon employee. He has served in a number of key roles for the company throughout his career, before being appointed President and CEO of Canon Inc. in 1995. Mr Mitarai also has a long history of public service which has included Chairmanship of Nippon Keidanren, the Japan Business Federation, from 2006 to 2010.