Fujifilm invites printers to take the Onset Challenge

The website not only guides visitors through a wealth of useful information on each platform, the five step challenge features a series of short questions which demonstrate the economics of making such an investment, and the flexibility of the platform, enabling visitors to build an Onset configuration tailored to their specific needs. Using the information provided, the site addresses what each visitor wants from wide format print – be that high value short run jobs or more traditional long runs.

Inca Onset was launched into the marketplace four years ago as a high end inkjet printer that would change the way graphic print was produced. This proven technology has fast become the most successful platform in digital wide format printing, living up to all expectations. Over the past four years the technology has evolved, and Fujifilm is able to prove that making an investment in the most powerful flatbed family in the world can pay for itself in just six months. Take the challenge and see that for yourselves.

Exploring www.onsetchallenge.com will enable printers to discover more about the Onset series and how it could fit their own individual needs.