Fujifilm full year results better than expected

Sales of Fujifilm’s Imaging Solutions division amounted to Yen 222.7 billion (Euro 3.03 billion), slightly down from the previous year. The operating loss was Yen 4.0 billion (Euro 37.5 million) improved from Yen 12.7 billion (Euro 119.1 million) in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011. According to Fujifilm, steady sales of digital camera products were affected by the negative impact of the strong Japanese Yen, a decrease in domestic demand associated with the great East Japan Earthquake and the flood in Thailand. In the Photo Imaging business, strong results from marketing activities of high value-added printing services such as photo books resulted in a rise in net sales and the extension of market share in the color paper business. However, the negative impact of the strong Japanese Yen, a decrease in domestic demand and other influences such as rising raw material prices affected the segment’s results.

In the Electronic Imaging business, which includes Fujifilm’s digital camera operations, the company recorded robust sales of new products, particularly in the high-end segment, resulting in an increased sales volume and higher average sales prices.

In Europe, Fujifilm recorded sales of Yen 206.2 billion (Euro 1.93 billion), a plus of 0.4 percent year on year. Sales in the Americas increased 3.3 percent to Yen 319.5 billion (Euro 3.0 billion).

For the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, Fujifilm expects an icnrease in sales of 8.0 percent to Yen 2.37 trillion (Euro 22.23 billion) with an operating income of Yen 140 billion (Euro 1.31 billion), a plus of 24 percent compared with last year. The net income is expected to reach Yen 65.0 billion (Euro 610 million), 48.5 percent more than in the last fiscal year.