For the first time Photographers in Europe and the UK will be able to see Timeless Albums at Photokina

Timeless Albums are professionally printed and bound digital magazine designer albums.

Timeless Albums have established the new standard of quality and wholesale price.

Benefit from the low Australian Dollar, and our world leading elegant, contemporay designs.

At 200 to 300 Euro for our complete design service plus professional printing and binding, your business profits will soar. There is a small additional charge of 75 Euro for packaging and freight. But you save even more if you design your own albums. Pay only 150 to 200 Euro for our complete albums with your designs. Prices vary according the size of the album and number of pages, but the price quoted above are for the 11 x 14 inch album (landscape or portrait proportions) with 10 pages/20 sides.

On top of this, if your album is a studio display sample and not for your client, you receive a 40% discount.

With an average time from album order to album delivery of only 6 to 8 weeks, you will not be waiting long for your albums.

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Come and see the build quality and designs for yourself. Do not be the only Photographer to miss out on seeing Timeless Albums. Your competitors will love Timeless Albums.

Come and see Timeless Albums, Australian albums from the land of the hopping Kangaroo and the snapping Crocodile.