The winners and the losers in the retail distribution channels will be the subject of a keynote speech by Kay Spencer, Managing Director of Australia’s largest independent buying group, National Associated Retail Traders of Australia (NARTA). NARTA includes stores such as David Jones, Bing Lee, Clive Peeters, JB Hi-Fi, and Ted’s Camera Stores.
“With all the changes in Australian retailing, and the addition of many consumer electronics retailers to the photo channel, Spencer will bring a whole new dimension to the conference,” said Peter Rose, PMA Director of Australian Activities.
“Last year we provided a dedicated stream for consumer electronic retailers, but with the blurring of the traditional lines between specialty photo retailers and consumer electronics retailers, this is no longer necessary,” added John Bourne, PMA Australia Conference organizer. “Our PMA conference program for 2009 is designed with an all-embracing approach aimed at providing powerful inspirational ideas for all retail businesses. The delegates will enjoy an outstanding high level of diverse and independent conference information never before experienced in Australia.”
Further PMA Australia 2009 Imaging Technology Show and conference information is posted at