Everplay standard to be administered by OSTA

When the Everplay specification was finalized in February 2006, Kodak, Fujifilm and Konica Minolta initiated a royalty-free license program and urged widespread adoption by companies throughout the consumer digital imaging industry, as well as the consumer electronics, software, photo, and image processing industries.

By transferring the standard to an established trade association to manage ongoing administration and engage a more open standards process, the initiators expect a broader acceptance of Everplay throughout the industry. OSTA has a long history of creating and promoting widely adopted compatibility specifications including the Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system used on every DVD in the world and the MultiRead specification for interoperability of recordable CDs.

Under terms of the memorandum of understanding between the Everplay founders and OSTA, the specification will be administered as a working group within OSTA. The Everplay specification and trademarks will continue to be licensed freely to products and services that are compliant to the EVERPLAY standard. OSTA will maintain the everplay-spec.org website.

OSTA representatives will be available to meet with potential licensees of the Everplay specification at the upcoming Photo Marketing Association International Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas, March 8 – 11. Interested parties may contact Debbie Maguire at dmaguire@osta.org to schedule a private meeting.