Digital High-speed Systems for Photofinishers and Online Service Providers – Efficient system solutions from Imaging Solutions

First run films are digitized on the fastScan at up to 20’000 images per hour and film strips are scanned on the reScan designed to handle reorders and smaller quantities. Digital image inputs are captured at the laboratory via the media input station fastEntry from all popular storage media, at a speed of up to 25,000 image files or 200 orders per hour (dependant on the storage media, file sizes and operator efficiency). These image files can then be processed at the same speed for print output on the high-speed printer fastPrint.

For data received from the front end devices via the Internet, Imaging Solutions provides a comprehensive workflow software suite of three software, webGate, pageCreate and workControl assures efficient, reliable lab order handling.

webGate receives orders from the Internet front-end at the laboratory and converts them into the laboratory file standard. webGate is perfectly adapted to the front end solutions of futureLAB and Album printers. An open XML interface allows easy interfacing to other front end solutions as well.

pageCreate improves the quality of the actual image data with the state-of-the-art image enhancement software Enhance. Fonts are separately rendered with high-quality algorithms. Then the images and texts are combined on the templates selected by the customer and the single pages are assembled to form orders and batches for exposure. This process is controlled by the Workflow Manager workControl, just as the complete purePhoto value added product production process.

The image data server netGate is best suited for processing large volumes of image files from the Internet, fastEntry, fastScan, reScan, pageCreate and other sources. Thanks to its open design, netGate works not only with Imaging

Solutions’ printers fastPrint and widePrint, but it can also be connected via plug-ins to most digital Minilabs, wide format printers (e.g. Durst), CD burners or other output devices.

Image processing on netGate is done with "Enhance", the highly regarded automatic correction software. "Enhance" op-timizes tonal gradation, local density and color reproduction. With the release of the latest version 5.0, separate correction options for skin hues, vegetation (green) and sky (blue) are provided. All corrections can be adjusted by the user to meet special preferences, e.g. regional tastes. There is even an optional function available for the automatic correction of the "Red eyes effect" in flash shots.

Digital Print Systems for True Photos

For standard digital print production, fastPrint from Imaging Solutions has no equal. With more than 150 printers used in central laboratories all over the world, fastPrint has truly become the reference for comparison. fastPrint has obtained its worldwide leading market position by superior image quality (300 ppi for print sizes up to 13 x 18 cm – 5.2" x 7.1" – and 11 bit color depth per color) and a justly deserved reputation for high reliability. To address various image production volumes, Imaging Solutions offers fastPrint at output capacities from 8’000 10 x 15 cm (4" x 6") prints per hour up to 20’000 per hour. Thanks to the typical modular design of

Imaging Solutions’ systems, the low capacity printers can easily be upgraded to higher speeds.

Efficient Solutions for Online Finishers

The fastPrint 8 is particularly well suited as start-up printer not only for central laboratories, but also for online photo service providers whose order volumes exceed the capacity of digital Minilabs. Together with the image server netGate, fastPrint is an efficient production unit for the exposure of the most popular print sizes. Thanks to the open design of the netGate, digital Minilabs can be easily integrated to address production peaks and for the production of larger print sizes. And as print volume continues to rise, upgrading to a

fastPrint 12 or even a fastPrint 20 is very easy.

Complete Systems from one Supplier

Imaging Solutions expertise does not end with the exposure of photographic paper. The company’s systems include all components of an efficient digital workflow – and their open design allows easy adaptation to individual requirements. Even devices of other manufacturers, such as digital Minilabs or wide format printers, can be integrated into the general system without problems.

Since the Swiss high-tech company took over certain parts of the wholesale business field of the insolvent AgfaPhoto, the successful paperProcessor VSP can be offered to customers as well. These machines have a maximum capacity of up to 40,000 prints (10 x 15 cm, 4" x 6") per hour and are distinguished by their variable speed, automatically adjusting to the capacity of the printer while the processing times are maintained. Imaging Solutions is offering refurbished VSP paperProcessor VSP at present at attractive prices.