Connected Camera Perspective panel session at Mobile Photo Connect

While digital cameras are becoming increasingly connected and supportive of open environment photo apps, smartphone vendors for their part are making rapid and dramatic improvements in their camera hardware and software, generating ever better photos.

Will there be place for both smartphones and digital cameras in the future? If so, who will use which type of device on what type of occasion? Will both device types support compatible photo apps and what does this mean for photo app developers?

In a free-flowing panel discussion moderated by conference co-hosts Hans Hartman and Alexis Gerard, Jay Kelbley, Senior Marketing Manager Digital Imaging at Samsung, Jason Gregory, Head of Sell-In & Customer Engagement North America at Nokia, and Manish Vaidya, Co-founder & VP of the photo community site and photo app developer Streamzoo, will have a lively discussion about these and other strategic questions that will shape future opportunities and challenges for all players in the mobile imaging ecosystem.

Co-hosted by Hans Hartman, President of Suite 48 Analytics, and Alexis Gerard, founder of Future Image Inc. and the 6Sight Future of Imaging Conferences, Mobile Photo Connect is an executive conference that brings together the key players in the mobile photography ecosystem. According to the organizers, the program features ample networking opportunities, as well as no-PowerPoint panel discussions and no-PowerPoint photo app demos. It includes four panel sessions, a Visionaries Fireside Chat session, and three Show-and-Tell sessions in which 26 developers will demo their mobile photo apps.