The shareholders also approved the reappointment of Julien De Wilde and Christian Leysen as independent directors of the Board of Directors. They also approved the continuation and taking-over of the board mandates of Michel Akkermans, Jo Cornu and Horst Heidsick by their respective management companies of which they are the permanent representative.
The General Meeting also resolved to fix the remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of Directors at an invariable annual amount of 180,000 Euros for all his mandates within the Company and regardless of the number of meetings, and to approve the change-of-control provision, as stipulated in the Bonding Facility Agreement between the Company on the one hand and ABN Amro on the other hand.
As for the rescheduled Extraordinary General Meeting, which was held immediately following the Annual General Meeting, the renewal of the authorization in article 8, 1° of the articles of association to increase the registered capital, the renewal of the authorization in article 8, 4° of the articles of association to increase the registered capital in the event of a public take-over bid on the securities of the Company, as well as the renewal of the authorization to buy back shares, as set forth in the second paragraph of article 14 of the articles of association, were not approved.