Acolens – the new professional tool for correcting optical deficiencies in photography

Optical deficiencies on photographs, i.e. distortions, vignetting, and focus falloff toward the edges have increased with the emergence of digital photography. With "Acolens" these deficiencies can now be corrected in a professional manner. Based on the calibration of popular lens models so called lens profiles are stored in a preinstalled lens databank. Photographers who prefer to calibrate their individual lenses themselves can do so with the also available "Acolens" Reference Chart. "Finally, there is a professional tool for correction of lens deficiencies that treats images neutrally rather than just manipulating them", says Fria Hagen, a professional photographer and tester of the software’s beta version.

The software procedures of "Acolens" are based on scientifically developed highly accurate algorithms and produce a significantly improved image quality. In contrast to other solutions "Acolens" does not interfere with the photographer’s artistic autonomy. Instead, "Acolens" optimises images solely based on its optical models resulting in full utilisation of the image’s potential. In fact, with "Acolens" the quality of a digital image taken in small format can easily be raised to the quality of an image taken in middle format. While "Acolens" is designed to satisfy highest professional demands the software is also easy to understand and use.