According to a study 3D Digital Cameras sparking enthusiast interest

The top reasons consumers indicated they were likely to purchase a 3D digital camera included an interest in 3D technology (61 percent), an appreciation for additional photographic options (55 percent), a desire to be on the cutting-edge of technology (23 percent) and a belief that 3D will help them be more creative (22 percent).

The majority of enthusiasts surveyed say they would use a 3D camera for pictures of natural scenery (62 percent), buildings or landmarks (58 percent) and historic places (53 percent).

Enthusiasts are also showing interest in 3D camcorders, with one in ten indicating they are likely to purchase one within the next year. Similar to 3D cameras, enthusiasts say they would use 3D camcorders for natural scenery (51 percent) and historic places (43 percent), but enthusiasts also view 3D camcorders as valuable for use in shooting sporting events (45 percent).

Ownership of 3D products is still in its early stages and familiarity with these products varies greatly among enthusiasts. More than half (51 percent) of enthusiasts report being familiar with 3D technology with five percent indicating they are very familiar and 46 percent somewhat familiar.