“The global economic downturn affected the travel budgets of companies from the United States, Europe and Asia planning to attend our Summit in Malmo, Sweden,” says Joe Byrd, president, 6Sight Conferences LLC. “This reduction in travel budgets made it difficult to hold a world-class event at this time. It is better to hold our Summit as part of the larger CE Week event, and so take advantage of the location, attendance, and media attention it provides. This will allow us to better promote the rising importance of imaging as part of our daily lives through digital still photography and video, via mobile devices — and deliver a valuable conference experience to our partners and attendees.”
Byrd added the seminar program will remain largely intact from the one originally planned for the European venue. The 6Sight Mobile Imaging Summit is co-hosted by Invest in Skåne and mobile imaging innovator, Scalado, and sponsored by Sony Ericsson, Region Skåne and Ecce Terram.